I decided that each of my character's comic strip would be its own adventure or tell a joke. As this is the first of the comic i wanted to set my character up as a comedy figure by making a joke of how serious he is:
"On a choppy water a lone vessel is sailing in full sail. The captain at his wheel has set the course carefully and is waiting for any sign of land. He keeps the ship sailing straight even though wind and waves push him around. Eventuall the call of 'land ahoy' goes up and the captain peers through his telescope. He sees the island, the one from the map and stirs his crew into action.
At this point a crackly electronic voice comes over the waves, 'come in number 47, your time is up!', Pirate Pete is upset, he's spent all his weekly allowance and has to stop his voyage across the park boating lake. Its tough being a 21st century pirate. "
This approach fits with similar stories/characters from british comics and comic strips. Making the hero seem foolish or ridiculous.
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