Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Lo3 - Develop an original character

After i did my research i decided that i wanted to make a character based comic strip rather than a graphic novel. This is mainly because my artistic skill isn't great so a more simple approach would work better in the creation of the character. I started by mindmapping ideas:

From these ideas i liked the idea of an inept adult that would appeal to a younger target audience. I started by thinking about developing 'General Chaos' but found this was too close to an existing Beano character. I then thought about what other type of person would be good for younger children and decided on a pirate. This would allow each comic strip to be a short story that told a joke or set the charatcer up to fail. I looked at existing pirate comics, and found good examples from Pirate Mike:
I wanted my character to be fun like this one and have short adventures that would hold a younger person's attention. I also looked at corporal clott in the Beano as this was similar to my original idea:

I decided to use 'Pirate Pete' as my title and developed the idea of a really rubbish pirate. He would go on great adventures but never really get anywhere.  I decided that the character would feature:

A simple art style
Stand alone stories
Cartoonish drawings
Non offensive humour

In terms of appeareance I decided teh character would need:
Eye Patch
Pirate Hat
Long coat

I decided to avoid hook hands and peg legs as this would limit some of the story for younger audiences. Also it would be easier to draw.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Lo2 - Panel Layout

I decided to use a basic panel layout as this was similar to the comics i had looked at. I planned out the panels as below:

Page 1 panel plan

Page 2 Panel Plan

Thursday, January 10, 2019

LO2 - Script

Pirate Pete
Week 1 - "The Open Sea"
EXT. A body of water.
A lone ship sails through unsettled waters, the wind blowing through its sails.
NARRATOR: The Wind Blows
Unseen Sailor(shouts):Splice the mainbrace!
EXT. Ship's bow
Waves break against the bow of the ship, which continues on its course.
NARRATOR: The Waves Roll
EXT. SHip's Bridge
A captain stands steady behind his wheel, gazing into the distance.
NARRATOR: A steady hand.
A well worn map sits on the deck, the captain's measuring compass laid next to it.
NARRATOR: ...and a plotted course
EXT. SHip's deck
The captain takes up his telescope and spies the island in the distance, this could be it. The treasure they have searched for.
PIRATE PETE(Commanding):All hands on deck!
UNSEEN SAILORS: Aye Aye Captain!

The ship sails on toward the island, the excitement builds.
EXT. Ship's deck
PIRATE PETE(triumphantly): To the treasure lads!
EXT. Park boating lake
The hire boat sails softly across teh boating lake. The 'captain' stands alone at the rear of it as an electronic scratchy voice can be heard.
BOATING LAKE ATTENDANT (off through tannoy): Come in no 47, your time is up.

Monday, January 7, 2019

LO2 - Develop an original story to be told within the graphic novel or comic

I decided that each of my character's comic strip would be its own adventure or tell a joke. As this is the first of the comic i wanted to set my character up as a comedy figure by making a joke of how serious he is:

"On a choppy water a lone vessel is sailing in full sail. The captain at his wheel has set the course carefully and is waiting for any sign of land. He keeps the ship sailing straight even though wind and waves push him around. Eventuall the call of 'land ahoy' goes up and the captain peers through his telescope. He sees the island, the one from the map and stirs his crew into action.

At this point a crackly electronic voice comes over the waves, 'come in number 47, your time is up!', Pirate Pete is upset, he's spent all his weekly allowance and has to stop his voyage across the park boating lake. Its tough being a 21st century pirate. "

This approach fits with similar stories/characters from british comics and comic strips. Making the hero seem foolish or ridiculous.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Lo1 - Analysing a comic or graphic novel

Lo1: Task 2: Analysing a comic or graphic novel

Genre: Hellboy is a fictional superhero created by writer-artist Mike Mignola, scripted by John Byrne, Colourerist and Inker Matthew Hollingsworth and published by Dark Horse Comics. The character first appeared in San Diego Comic-Con Comics, and has since appeared in various eponymous miniseries, one-shot and intercompany crossovers. The character has been adapted into two live-action feature films in 2004 and 2008, and two animated films, as well as two video games – Asylum Seeker and The Science of Evil.

Content & Style: The graphic novel is an A5 book with the house style denotes gothic colours such as deep reds, purples, greens and black; along with the opening setting of a eary church yard promoting the verisimilitude throughout the novel. However this makes it difficult to differentiate the timeshift throughout the storyline, so basic imagery is used for example the moon on page 3 to connote night time. The colours used are high in contrast, this technique is a typical feature of graphic novels and highlights the areas of speech that have a white background. The panneling of the graphic novel is random and changes from page to page, this is a nontraditional aspect of comics and graphic novels that has become more popular in modern art. The text on the opening pages of the novel has a yellow background because it is 'Journal of 1st Sgt. George Whitman' instead of speech between two
characters. The art of the novel is 3D as the artist Mike Mignola uses excessive shading on the characters and objects. In the image opposite, the characters use line to create the shape of ghost like characters with minimal colour.

Meaning: The visual narrative is supported by the use of establishing images along with the journal entry sets the scene for the reader giving details of the mood, location and time era (1944).  Iconography of WW2 germany is used in the novel with the Nazi symbol on page 4. This is binary opposition between good and evil (Levi-Strauss 1958). However it is used in a humourous manner for example using the symbol as a lense in a pair of glasses, the excessive use of this creates humour because of the disequilibrium (Todorov 1977) it is difficulty to be taken seriously. The use of panneling at the bottom of page 5 uses a close up to create an enigmatic cliamx to the plot as the character is contacting with 'troubled spirits' the close up of her eyes with the caption 'They say... something is coming' excites the reader as they are waiting for the arrival of the antihero protagonist Hellboy to come into the story.
On the front cover of the novel, the image of the protagonist standing with a head-on to the camera with the title HELLBOY above him uses anchorage that this is Hellboy who is the protagonist of the novel.  The colour pallet of the novel consists of dark marroon colours, along with the enigmatic tone of the characters and the topics they are dicussing complies to the theory of Umberto Eco (1981) that a story can be told through the images and signs. The panneling of the novel is laid out clearly as the images are all seperate to their pannel and don't overlap, this is a pattern throughout the novel however the panneling adapts when situations develop to a busier theme. The images begin to over lap with less text on the pages to connote the action between the characters.The colouring in the graphic novel such as the maroon red, black and yellow is symbolic of Nazi germany as these coloures were used on icon images such as the Nazi flag. This is relevant to the novel as the events take place in the 1940s WW2. The general page layout is full of images and has a lot of information of the events on each double page spread, connoting the action filled busy atmosphere of the novel.

Target Audience: Therefore the graphic novel has a mature target audience as there is voilent content with reference to WW2 Germany that could be seen as innapropriate for young members of the audience. Also the the graphic novel series is aimed to a male target audience mostly because of the storyline, colours and characters. of an audiodemographic ABC1

Characters: Set in 1944,The antihero Hellboy (the protagonist of the novel) although he is often looked down upon by society because of the way he looks. He is referred to as 'creature' by people as see on page 3 chapter 4 'what a pitty you chose to stand against me, creature'. The use of bold text connotes emphasises a strain on these words, with the semantic field of authority and power the antagonist (Ogdru-Jahad) tries to have over Hellboy. A team of commando's are lead into the English Midlands by three paranormal officers. Although the Ogdru Jahad are not summoned, a boy-like, red-skinned demon
appears at the Church in East Bromwich, and is soon dubbed 'Hellboy' by Professor Bruttenholm. Whilst the leader of the Nazi operation, Klaus Werner von Krupt, is dismayed at Rasputin's apparent lack of success, the mad monk knows otherwise and proclaims he has set into motion the world's ending.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Lo1 - Understand the work of comic book and graphic novel publishers

Oni Press was origionally an independent company founded in 1997 by Bob Schreck and Joe Nozemack with the goal of publishing comics and graphic novels they would want to read. Unsatisfied with the material that was dominating the industry, they believed firmly that sequential art could be used to tell virtually any story. Schreck left the company in 1999, and Oni Press is currently owned by the conglomerate Nozemack.
The company name derives from oni, the Japanese word for the devils or demons popular in Japanese folklore. Oni Press used the term "real mainstream," coined by Stephen Holland of the UK comic shop to describe its output. Traditional American comic books regard superhero
titles as "mainstream" and all other genres as "non-mainstream", a reversal of the perception in other media. Oni Press therefore adopted the "real mainstream" term to suggest that it publishes comic books and graphic novels whose subject matter is more in line with the popular genres of other media, such as thrillers, romances and realistic dramas.

Popular Titles:

The Graphic Novel of Scott Pilgirm consists of 6 titles:
  • Scott Pilgrim's precious little life (Vol 1)
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Vol 2)
  • Scott pilgrim & the infinite sadness (Vol 3)
  • Scott Pilgrim gets it together (Vol 4)
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe (Vol 5)
  • Scott Pilgrim's finest hour (Vol 6)
The graphic novel has several products such as a film adaptation of the series titled Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, released in August 2010. A video game developed by Ubisoft forPlayStation Network and XboxLive Arcade was released the same month. A mobile adaptation of the comic book was produced by Harper Collins and Robot Comics. The app uses movement, sound and vibration to create an original reading experience and includes extra material hidden in the scenes of the comic.

As an independent creator, Bryan Lee O'malley took all the roles in the creation of the Scott Pilgrim series as writer and artists. He took influences from other comic and graphic novelists such as Atsuko Nakajima, the character designer of Ranma 1/2 anime. O'Malley used black and white because it was less expensive than creating the series in color, and so he said that he "embraced the B&W manga aesthetic."
The graphic novel Hopeless Savages is a 10 part series including:
  • Hopeless Savages
  • Hopeless Savages: Ground Zero
  • Too Much Hopeless Savages!
  • Hopeless Savages B-sides: The origin of the dusted bunnies
Written by Van Meter, there have been three 4 part miniseries each illustrated by different artists such as: Christine Norrie, Chynna Clugston, Andi Watson, Bryan Lee O'Malley and Vera Brosgol who took on the roles of Letterers, Ink and Colourers to create the independantly published Hopeless Savages, published by Oni Press from 2002 to 2005. The comic has not been developed into futher media such as film or games.
Wasteland is a monthly comic book series written by Antony Johnston, drawn by Christopher Mitten with covers by Ben Templesmith, and published by the independent company Oni Press. It debuted in July '06 and ended on April 2015. The wasteland series has a multitude of titles:
The novel also has theme music which is available from the Wasteland official website for download.
 Along with the exclusive offer of viewing the first episode online for free via Ebooks, which is available for all devices with access to the internet.

 Created, written and illustrated by Matthew Loux; Sidescrollers is a modern graphic novel that expresses many themes of pop culture. The comic won the 2008 YALSA award for top ten best graphic novels for teens. The novel only consists of one issue released in 2006 as part of the independant publishing company Oni Press.
The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius is a comic book metaseries created, written and illustrated by Judd Winick. Titles include:

Written and illustrated by Judd Winick. It follows the comical escapades of the eponymous character, a 10-year-old boy who secretly possesses the most powerful intellect on Earth, along with his impulsive best friend Jeremy and his crush Sara. Barry puts his genius to work primarily in creating outlandish inventions that are centuries ahead of their time, such as teleportation devices, jetpacks and wallet-sized nuclear devices.